Join us at The Good Food Festival

tomato jam

Next Tuesday, September 27th we’ll be attending the Good Food Festival hosted by the Ryerson Students’ Union in the heart of downtown Toronto, this event acts as a springboard to introduce new and returning students to the Good Food Centre.

The Good Food Centre

The Good Food Centre in association with the Ryerson Students’ Union host this festival annually in late September. The Good Food Centre (GFC) essentially helps to offset the challenges of post-secondary education and has emerged as a leader in helping curb the issue of post-secondary food insecurity.

The Good Food Festival

The Good Festival is a celebration of food, sustainability, and education. The Festival brings together local artisan producers, food justice organizations, and students to generate a greater food awareness. Most importantly, the festival allows students to sample delicious local delicacies, allowing students to truly appreciate local food businesses.

Why we support the Festival

Manning Canning prides itself on the use of local, fresh and organic ingredients sourced from Ontario farms. The event organizers place an emphasis on showcasing the local food movement as well as sustainability initiatives by inviting vendors who create healthy foods from ingredients that are as kind, sustainable, and local as possible, an idea that we wholeheartedly support! We also believe the festival acts as an opportunity for students to engage in good food conversations, as throughout the day students can participate in food workshops and activities while also getting involved in food security issues within the student, and local communities.


So students bring your friends and family come on out the Good Food Festival to sample delicious local food, get informed, and fight food insecurity! 

Interested in our products? Shop our selection.

Want to grow your food business? Manning Canning Kitchens can help.

Written by Farhana Choudhry, Intern